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Beiträge erstellt von kamov

  1. vor 5 Stunden schrieb P4uL0:

    So tonight on the balcony again tested. 

    Clothes as described above: 

    T-shirt, 2x slim fleece, windjacke, two pairs of socks, slightly thicker leggins and windhose. 

    Temperature was 0 degrees. 

    Upper body and legs were super, but my feet were cold, so I went to bed at four o'clock in the morning, but it took me ages to warm my feet. 

    Now is the consideration to make a closed foot box, the feet better to pack or the quilt is nothing for the temperatures. But I do not have the desire to pack down. 

    Would vbl socks possibly bring what to avoid the evaporative cold? 


    Maybe your socks/underwear are tight enough to reduce blood circulation. I noticed that I can sleep better without socks and with pants instead of long johns. Or make yourself a pair of apex socks which works best.



  2. Am 6/27/2016 at 20:29 schrieb Philipp H:

    - The foot is to be sewn. My idea is to sew a corresponding oval shaped piece in the current drawn on the left quilt. Is there a better method?

    If you want clean finish you can do it as sleeping bag manufacturers do it. It is relatively simple :-)

    1. Sew complete outer quilt with 200g Apex, sew the footbox to the quilt as well

    2. Sew complete inner quilt with 100g Apex, sew the footbox to the quilt as well but leave 20cm opening to turn the quilt inside-out

    3. Add drawstring channel, etc.

    4. This step needs some attention because it can be done wrong, it is hard to explain. Sew both pieces together face to face only on lines shown below:


    Your best bet to do it right is to take your old cheap kufa sleeping bag and on the inside, usually somewhere at the bottom you will see stitching where manufacturer turned out the sleeping bag. Rip the seam open and turn the bag over to see how to sew your quilt correctly.

  3. I got reply regarding Climashield/Primaloft 67g from Extremtextil on 12.5.2016. I hope it will be in stock soon. Maybe someone else should write to them so they can see that people are interested in 67g :) 




    Primaloft werden wir in absehbarer Zeit nicht wieder nachbekommen. Bei Climashield werden wir das Sortiment um andere Varianten erweitern, wann genau kann ich aber nicht sagen. Ich schätze es wird noch 1-2 Monate dauern.

    Viele Grüße,



  4. This is some complex pattern you have chosen:-D Excellent work! I finished my vest today, I went with the simplest design possible:) 100g/m ^2 Apex, 10D nylon, #3 zipper - exactly 150g


    I cut inner and outer pieces in the same size, then I used 2cm seam allowance on red fabric and 1cm on black (outer layer)

    The collar on this vest is a bit tight if pullover worn underneath so I suggest extending the collar by 2-4cm (46x14cm for example)

    Now I am waiting Extremtextil to stock the 67g Apex to make a jacket :) 


  5. I am planing to do my jacket this way:

    1. Sew all pieces of inner layer together 

    2. Sew the all pieces of outer layer + climashield together

    3. Turn the Inner layer inside-out

    4. Sew the zipper in between the inner and outer layer (with the zipper teeth pointing away from the fabric edge)

    5. Put the inner layer into outer

    6. Final step is to sew this elastic webbing to the hood, cuffs and bottom with a zig-zag stitch

    I will make a tutorial when I get some time to sew it, somewhere within 2 months :) It should look like this:




  6. I can recommend Sunree Youdo 3 Link ( rechargable - micro usb port) Its may not be the cheapest chinese lamp but it is very decent. I use it for almost 2 years now without problems. The button is not the best, you get used to it. Weight is about 94g, with a simple modification you can get to 67g. I measured capacity around 2 months ago and it is around 1400 mAh


    I recently modified my Sunree headlamps:


    The big headlamp with 1.25mm and the Sunree Mini with 1mm elastic cord (I got those cords in a local art shop, this elastic is very strong and is used for armbands). It is very comfortable to wear them and secure enough for hiking. I also removed the metal baseball cap attachment from the Sunree Mini (I don't wear cap at night :D ) . 22g is with batteries included (7g lighter).

  7. Which "Schnittmuster"  will you use? GreenPepper? I don't recomend them unless you want this jacket style :D Better make own Schnittmuster from jacket you already use. Or buy 10€ fleece pullover with more technical cut and take it apart (also be careful to take correct size jacket because fleece stretches a lot compared to 10D nylon)

    I like to overlock the fabric because climashield speeds up the fraying process of uncoated fabrics

  8. I had the exactly same problems, however I did sew trough 6mm close cell foam + 10mm open cell foam + thin mesh + 2x nyIon webbing + 210D nylon (my skinny bones need a lot of padding) :D  I did tension the bobbin thread and use a 110 needle, then worked ok, there Should be no problem with only 3mm eva, just do it very slow ...

    Also you can lift your presser foot manually Further up 

  9. Pssst! "the ultimate hiker's gearguide" by Andrew Skurka, "Ultralight Backpackin Tips" by Mike Clelland and "The ultimate hang" by Derek Hansencan can be found online to download via torrent etc.;-)

    Since it may not be legal I won't publish a link. Anyone with problems finding the books can send me a PM

  10. vor 18 Stunden schrieb khyal:

    You had thought about using Tyvek for the sleeve ?

    I never worked with Tyvek so I don't know.

    For power storage I haven't decided yet, I have 4 spare batteries for my smartphone. Thinking to make just a simple battery charger for spare batteries. This way I can charge phone batteries directly to avoid 10-15% power loss. 

    TP4056 + Universal charger  When all unnecesary plastic will be removed I estimate total 14-17g for battery charger and 32.5g for each 1700mAh battery taken.

    So if I take 3 spare batteries (total 5100 mAh, 115g) I am ok for 1 week of bad weather:-) 


    If This chip is used, you can also make a powerbank using your phone batteries. I would like this feature but don't know if I really need it :)

    vor 5 Stunden schrieb AlphaRay:

      At time i'm planning my new backpack with build-in holder for the solar panel. With the panel i will build an small and light usb powerbank with water protected usb port outside into the backpack.

    Looking forward to see it :) 

  11. Reducing the weight of a solar charger

    Hi fellow UL hikers, I want to show you my last project

    Please forgive me for not using German language, I am following this forum for a while now and got plenty of useful info so I want to contribute something to this nice community as well. For now, using english is the only way that the text is readable for you:-D

    I was looking for a decent and cheap light solar charger around 7-10W, so I narrowed my selection to a bunch of chinese brands with high efficiency Sunpower cells. At the moment of purchase, the cheapest for me (Ebay) was Allpowers 10W with final price about 40-45€. Original plan was to reduce weight only by removal of pocket area and changing heavy PVC coated fabric on the back side (arround 390GSM) with some lighter nylon. Once I put the thing apart I figured out that solar cell is laminated in a 3 layer material which can be pierced with domestic sewing machine, so a decision was made to change the front fabric as well and remove exccesive material from the panel.  Here is a short guide how I did it:

    Original weight of the solar charger was 303g



    Ripped open the seams, panels are covered with 2mm bad quality open cell foam which I discarded



    I was suprised that cables connecting the two panels weren't isolated, they can touch each other if charger is opened beyond a certain angle. Fixed that - simply wrapped one cable with electrical tape.



    Usb connector chopped off, panels ready for seam ripper



    Original size of the panels - a lot of unnecessary material arround the cells  (corners arealready cut by me)



    All excessive material from panels was cut off, after looking at this photo I removed aditional ~1mm of material on each side and rounded down the sharp corners (forgot to take photo after, total 14.5g of plastic removed)



    At first I was thinking to use some 20D or 40D silnylon but it is not very scratch resistant and I was also bothered by transparency of the fabric. Perfect fabric would be something arround 70D as extex PU 90 GSM Zeltboden but I didn't have any so I went with 120GSM-ish ripstop With PU coating.



    After making a paper pattern, the eges were folded and »pinned« and then sewed. It would be much easier to use two sided fabric tape or iron the fold.



    Connecting the panels to the fabric. Used the same sewing clips to fixate the fabric onto panels but easier would be just to glue the fabric on and then sew trough. Since I didn't iron and glue the fold I tried to put stitches trough the same seam, to make more professional look , I succeeded on 2nd try (left side)J Machine was struggling a bit but did job okay.  Watch out not to sew trough the cables!



    Ok, the tricky part is done, now its time for the back side with big storage pocket, suitable for small 7-8 inch tablets as well. Outer material is the same as front, the thin 20D silnylon is used only inside the pocket. Closure velcro is salvaged from original fabric and cut in half so its only 1cm wide.



    Reinforcement patch for cable eyelet glued on with silicone on both sides, I was in a hurry and made square patch, better to make it round shape so it won't peel off easily.



    When pocket was finished, I just folded all side edges, attached some grossgrain ribbon tieouts and sew the front and back piece together. Also added kam snaps on the corners.


    213g, weight reduced by ~30%, I am more than happy with results :-) Now this is one of the lightest solar chargers in terms of weight/power ratio out there:-)


    Note for Super UL hikers :-) - I think up to 20g more could be removed:

    •          Female usb connector is extra heavy (arround 8g) I havent found good alternative to replace it, maybe i will solder micro usb cable directly to the charger...
    •      Using lighter fabric 70D, 40D, or even 20D
    •      Removing pocket and snap

    If you have any comments or questions use any language you like. Ich habe 3 jahre in der schule deutsch gelernt deshalb Ich verstehe viel:-D


  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/391200708556?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=660519955467&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

    Since I bought too large mosquito net for home bed I had to size it down. Weighted the remnant of the material and wow only 18-20 GSM! If you buy XL version (arround 9m of usable fabric) it is extremely cheap, less than € 1.4 / meter and the width is 2m! It is just slightly less tear resistant than extreme textile nano mesh but overall has still good strength for inner tent. Softer and therefore slightly more annoying to process. Obviously, the second downside is the size of the holes Which are too big to stop the smallest bugs but still small enough for true UL'er  :D . Sad that you need to destroy someones work to get cheap stuff ...IMG_20160429_175758.jpg

  13. Hi,

    After Following this forum for some time I Decided to write something down :) And please excuse me for using english, i understand German a bit but not so much to write in it  :) . As being european i feel more connected to this forum than for example backpackinglight.

    To the point ... I reccomend "Sunree youdo 3" cheap rechargeable headlamp, very powerful, and pleasant natural light. At 92g is quite heavy but at least Eliminates spare batteries. I Measured the actual capacity and it is arround 1400mAh. The power does not really matter much if used mostly in camp but for walking and orientation at night It Means a lot in my expirience. On our trips we combine 1 powerful headlamp with others using e-lite or mini Sunree



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